How can you tell you're addicted to DBZ?
Hey, here we are at page 2, and I'm still waitin' for those calls from you lovely ladies out there. It's gettin' kind of lonely over here. Oh, yeah, and if y'all wanna review, headon back to...
(Big 400 (plus 401 & 402) submitted by vegie-grrrl13)
400. Your little brother does not stop talking during the Dragonball Z movie marathon, so you threaten to send him to the other dimension.
401. You do.
402. You call your hall closet the other dimnsion.
(403-406 by Abby500SP)
403. You and your best friend make up new attacks to try out on your IPS teacher.
404. Your fav shirt is the one with ONLY Vegeta on it. (Whoo hoo! I have it!)
405. Your christmas list has only 'DBZ stuff' written on it.
406. Your Tae Kwon Do instruncter says "Power isn't the best way to go," but you totally disagree since Vegeta said, "It's a strong mans' world"
(TomBoy802 sent 407-420)
407. You're doing this when you're supposed to take a shower and sleep.
408. You dream about your favorite character, you, and a bedroom.
409. You pretend you are a DBZ character at times(as in... you know, the attacks and stuff) and get immedietly embarrassed when someone catches you.
410. You're eager to fight Vegeta(or fav. character), even if you would loose and probably die because... well, they're your favorite character!
411. You end up making fake pics of your favorite character eating (or whatever) your least favorite character(in my case, Vegeta eating Goku...)
412. You think up stuff for a DBZ movie and act out the parts.
413. You try to talk like your fav. Z warrior and when you can't, you let loose a stream of cussing.
414. If your fave character is a Saiyajin, you act like a Saiyajin.
415. If your fave character is Choutzu, you act like a mime.
416. You become really mad when they interrupt DBZ for a freaking News Flash or something and want to blow them up...
417. ...And take a final flash, burning attack, Kamehameha, Kamayamaya, etc. pose(aiming at the TV) and shout it...
418. ...And the screen starts to get fuzzy because something happened to the camera(this happened to me, really).
419. You become immedietly awake when someone says a character/item special to DBZ.
420. You're still working on this list when you're supposed to be a asleep and you hear your mom coming in the driveway/ringing the doorbell/knocking on the door.
(#'s 421-461 by Twinpint)
421. You call Vegeta "Otousan!"
422. Bra doesn't strike you as an odd thing to name your children.
423. You have Head Cha-La on your computer in 4 different languages.
424. You can play "Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku" on both the piano and clarinet.
425. You don't speak a word of Japanese, but you know the lyrics to all the DBZ songs.
426. You've re-written "Piccolo-san Daisuki" with Spanish lyrics about yourself and your sister.
427. You own a pair of blue "Piccolo pants."
428. You've pondered Piccolo's cellular resperation formula (Photosynthesis!)
429. People refer to you as "Ma Junior" at school.
430. You've written DBZ fanfics more than 15 pages long.
431. You have over 10 DBZ related e-mail addresses/screen names.
432. Your parents understand the DBZ plot.
433. You ask the doctor if there's a way you can alter your genes so your kids'll have tails.
434. You explain DBZ to your friends at lunch, every day.
435. You've taught someone the Fusion Dance and tried to fuse. (It doesn't work! There's nothing left to believe in!)
436. You swear you saw Gokou hanging out behind your school.
437. You worship Dr. Brief's cat-thing.
438. You've ever posted at
439. Your DBZ fanart looks like the real thing.
440. You learn to drive just like Gokou. EXACTLY like Gokou.
441. You fantasize daily about your favorite character coming to school with you.
442. You have no DBZ-loving friends, but everyday you remind them that "I'll get you'll see..." then trail off into evil laughter.
443. At your birthday party you force all the guests to watch DBZ with you. ("It's my BIRTHDAY! YOU HAVE TOO!)
444. Your nickname is "Piccolo-girl."
445. Piccolo is your invisible friend. (He comes to school with me EVERY DAY!)
446. You are against lists like these, because "THERE CAN NEVER BE TOO MUCH!"
447. All your DBZ figures gaurd your room, and you scream whenever one of them gets knocked over.
448. You tape all the spanish AND english dub episodes.
449. The only reason you start babysitting is because you just don't have enough DBZ related junk.
450. You immediately love it, because the kids you babysit are awed by your DBZ knowledge.
451. They beg you to come back and trade cards with them.
452. You don't leave them alone until they fork over that *perfect* imported Piccolo card.....
453. Your parents can finish your DBZ quotes. "Mr. Piccolo is...." "...not a bad man!"
454. You wish your brother would dye his hair purple- He'd look just like chibi-Trunks!
455. You take kickboxing lessons in hope of raising your Ki.
456. It works! (WOOHOO!)
457. You picture Freezer's face on the punching bag and start screaming at it as you punch.
458. Your friend tells you to picture someone you hate, you imagine Nappa bringing Piccolo down, and the next thing you know your friend is on the floor swearing and you're standing over her, laughing and mumbling about revenge.
459. You get into a huge argument with a non-DBZ-loving friend, tell her she is "Ignorant and unenlightened," then huffily go back to drawing pictures of your favorite character with you at school.
460. You shy away from refrigerators....After all, they work with Freezers.
461. You know what "Dakedo Piccolo warau to sekushi yo!" means.
(462-492 by Asmodeus)
462. You really want a Super Saiyan hairstyle, but you're disappointed that barbershops never heard of it.
463. You insist that your friend beat you to near-death so that you'll become stronger.
464. You shave your head so your enemies can't grab your hair.
465. You say the six dots on your forehead are from an ironing accident, but everybody knows better.
466. You scream when you're in a fight, hoping your ki will scare your opponent away.
467. You're surprised that it doesn't work.
468. You insist that your power is hidden, just like Gohan's.
469. You grow your hair long, dye it yellow, and tie it up with yellow thread.
470. You get depressed when the thread falls out while taking a shower.
471. When this happens, you scream, "A Saiyan hairstyle can't be undone!"
472. You spend the next 3 weeks wondering what sort of weak human virus caused your hair to be undone.
473. You call Vegeta "my lord."
474. You call Bulma "my lady."
475. You glue green wire to your forehead and tell everyone you're a Namek.
476. You start believing it yourself.
477. You stop eating and only drink water because Nameks don't eat.
478. You complain in a public place that there's no bathroom for asexual creatures.
479. You scream when someone whistles because it hurts Nameks so much.
480. You try to go SSJ when someone gets you angry.
481. You grab a lightning rod in the hopes that your hairstyle will look like a Saiyan's because of it.
482. When you wake up from the coma 4 months later, you're disappointed that the doctors combed your hair back down.
483. Again, you start screaming that you must be sick because your hair's combed back down.
484. Now that you're in a hospital, you keep the patients up all night yelling for treatment of this strange sickness.
485. You believe that vegetables were named after the Saiyans.
486. You ask your friend to cut your face up with a sharp rock so that you can get "Yamcha scars."
487. You complain that there's no "DBZ channel" (hey, I just got a great idea for a petition).
489. You go to a plastic surgeon to have a third eyeball placed in your forehead.
490. You believe that the little orange bouncy ball with all the red stars in it (you know, the one from the quarter machine) is a Dragon Ball that got packaged by mistake.
491. You spend eight years and $27,283.50 trying to find the other six.
492. Darn it, why won't this hair stay up???
(493-496 by nicole)
493. You're sitting at home alone laughing laughing at this list so loudly that your neighbors call the cops
494. you start going out with a guy just because he has a sword (this actually DID happen to me 0_^)
495. You break up a week later because he sells it.
496. You spend 10 hours trying to draw a good trunks picture
(497- by The Genius)
498. You invent an electric helmet and put in the market. Purpose: to style hair like a SSJ.
499. You don't put in the market, but you use on yourself to make those 400-some stuck-up people at school believe you've gone SSJ.
500. You think of paying for plastic surgery to have your face look exactly like your fave character, but decide against it because he might send you to the next dimension since he'd be the first one to find out, being your next-door neighbor.
501. You put a sign in front of your house that says: "Beware! The Great Saiyaman lives here."
502. You mold your Easter chocolates into DBZ/DBGT character's faces.
503. Your nickname for your martial arts teacher is either Kiaoshin or Mutenroshi.
504. On some weekends, when you're bored, you climb up your treehouse and shout, "I am the guardian of the Earth!"
505. You drink tons of coffee for a power up to cross Snake Way (which is really your front yard).
506. The first word your baby brother said was kamehameha (masenko/kiaken . . .) after hearing it so many times.
507. Your first word was kamehameha (masenko/kiaken).
(BunnyTShields sent in #'s 508-514)
508. You can answer any and every question about Dragon Ball Z to your friends.
509. You and your friends argue over who gets to marry Trunks.
510. You number things using the words "dragon ball "instead of numbers.
511. You cry when someone tells you that Dragon Ball Z is fake.
512. You actually create a scouter.
513. You make clothes for vegetables so nobody will see the prince naked.
514. You insist on changing your name to "underwear "so you can be close to Vegeta.
(Basenjily Cyri sent in #515)
515. You look up into the air and you see two jet streams in the sky and you think there goes two Z team members going to a fight !!!!
(516 by SSJ3Goten07)
516. You snap your pair of sunglasses in half and give one side to your friend and call him Nappa.
(Greg gave me 517-521)
517. You've been in detention on many occasions for telling your teacher you're going to send them into the next dimension for giving you a bad grade.
518. In tough situations you think, what would vegeta do, which often gets you in trouble.
519. You have legally changed your name to your favorite DBZ characters name.
520. You call your girlfriend Bulma.
521. You no longer have a girlfriend because of that.
(522- by aQuAbLu)
522. You name your dog nimbus just for the purpose of screaming out "NIMBUS!"
523. You own every single action figure and swear that if anyone touches it you"ll kill them.
524. You tell your mom that for dinner all you want is gohan(rice) and senzu beans.
525. You take seven oranges and draw stars on them and try to wish for immortality.
526. You believe the saiyin blood runs in you.
527. You go running around your whole house with your hands in the air beliving you can fly.
528. When someone challenges you to a fight you tell what a high power level you have and that they are stupid humans.
529. You write a book titled "DRAGONBALL RULES ALL."
530. when you are alone in your house you pretend you are fighting with one of the dbz characters and you act out every single thing.
(531- by Majin Janet Reno)
531. You're going to Tokyo, and as soon as you get off the plane at Narita Airport there's a small space in the back of your mind saying, "Look for the Z senshi... Look for the Z senshi! Get their pictures!! Screw your luggage!! DO IT NOW!"
532. You find an old pale woman with a british accent and scare her off asking if she has a tail and a power level of 1 million.
533. Arabian clothing (turbans, baggy pants gathered at the ends) is no longer associated with Arabians in your mind because the only people you can think of that REALLY wear them are green asexual aliens.
534. One day you try catfish, and before trying it you look at it on your plate and say remorsely, "Kaio-sama..."
Still stuck here? Why don't y'all head on back to the first page.
Click here to send Pam comments and suggestions for more "How can you tell you're addicted to DBZ" items.
Feel free to contribute, but remember, just because you give her something doesn't mean she'll put it up, although she does accept many things.
Also, she reserves the right the change any entries as she sees fit for spelling, grammar, and language (let's keep this fairly G-rated, people).