Villain Interviews



Greetings once again, faithful viewers, for another Villain Interview! This time around, we have as our guest the one and only Broli!

I gets the feelin' that this is gonna be a pretty one-sided interview.

*fierce whisper* Quiet, Gerald. Our budget was cut and we couldn't afford any of the better villains.*to audience* So, how about we bring out Broli?


And the intellectual conversation begins immediately!

*in typical snobby, pseudo-British accent* Actually, old chap, I resent being referred to as a less than half-wit. Despite my portrayal in the Dragon Ball Z movies, I am rather intelligent.


*also blinks*

Well, uh, Broli, I must say this is a surprise. After movie 11 especially.

Yes, well grunting usually does not lend itself to a sense of genius.

How very true. So, now that we have seen your true intellect, perhaps you would like to let our audience know some valuable insights you have gained?

Of course I'd be happy to Jonathon...

Eh, I don't buy it.

Excuse me, old chap?

I said I don't buy it! And quit callin' me "old chap," you young whippersnapper.

Oh, I do apologize. And what, pray tell, do you not believe?

This whole "Genius Broli" thing. You're faking it, admit it.

How dare you insult me so! I am truly offended, sir.

*whispering* Um, Gerald? Intelligent or no, he is one of the most powerful beings in the universe and could take us out in less than a second...

*ignoring Jonathon* So you're offended, eh? You're really smart and calm? Than you won't be affected at all if I do... this! *whips out a picture of Goku*

*powering up* KAKAROTTO!!!!! *blows up the picture and proceeds to go on a rampage, tearing up the studio and heading out into the city*

*sigh* Well, I suppose that concludes this session of Villain Interviews. Join us next time as we look at the last villain of DBZ, Buu! That is, after we get this mess cleaned up.

© 2000 Pamela Sawyer,

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