Behind the Scenes


"You will die by my hand, Kakarotto!" yelled a half-crazed Vegeta. He launched into the air for the attack... and immediately lost his balance, tripped over the camera wire, and fell headfirst into the doughnuts.

"That's the fifth time in a row!" Gohan yelled, exasperated. "Can't you get anything right, Vegeta? At this rate we'll never get to my scene!"

"I-I'm sorry sir. It's just that I can't see very well without my glasses, and..."

"Nobody cares about your stupid glasses. It ain't like..."

"'Isn't,' son. 'It isn't like.'" Goku calmly corrected his child with an air of intelligence. "Now, shall we try and calibrate the wire that has been impeding Vegeta? Or shall we squander the rest of the afternoon with this drivel?"

"Sorry sir, I'll try and do better this time," Vegeta said meekly.

"You better!! Otherwise I'll get really mad!" Gohan screamed in his high-pitched voice at the hapless Vegeta.

Gohan moved out of sight of the camera, and things went back to normal.

"Goku vs. Vegeta, take 15."

"Aaaaaannnnndddd ACTION!"

"You will die by my hand, Kakarotto!" yelled a half-crazed Vegeta...