Villain Interviews

Dr. Gero


Well, I guess it's time for another Villain Interview. Hopefully things won't get as strange this time.

Fat chance, young 'un.

*sighs* I know, but one can always hope. Might as well introduce our guest. Please welcome Dr. Gero!

Greetings, Jonathon. It is indeed a pleasure to be here.

Yeah, right. Nobody ever likes being here, why should you be the first, eh?

Please ignore him, Dr. He's been especially cranky today.

It's quite all right.

Who you callin' cranky, you young whippersnapper!

*pointedly ignoring Gerald* So, how have things been in your life, Dr. Gero?

Remarkably well, actually. I've started a modest business in prosthetics which is going very well.

Hmm... there's something different about you...

*still ignoring Gerald* Really? Putting all that android knowledge to good use, then?

*laughs good-naturedly* Of course! After all the evil I had done, I wanted to give something back.

That's it, your hat! What happened to your big fuzzy hat? It was the only thing I liked about you. At least I could laugh at it.

*glares at Gerald* If you must know, I have given up that ridiculous thing. I am getting in touch with my real self, not trying to hide it any more.

Getting in touch with your real side? *grins maliciously* Don't you mean getting in touch with... your illegitimate son?

Gerald! That's it, you have embarrased our guests for the last time. Why...

No, Jonathon. Gerald is right.

He's WHAT!?

Heh, knew it as soon as I saw the kid. Has the same taste as his pappy in head gear.

Yes, that's my Charles. He like to call himself Brain Child. He even has a career in acting, too. Got a spot on "The Tick" before the show was cancelled. Why, I remember when he first domed his brain, just like his dad...

That's it, no more!! I'm sick of things getting weird. I'm ending this one right now! Good night, everyone. Next time we'll talk to Cooler, if I don't quit before then.


© 2000 Pamela Sawyer,

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