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Dragon Ball Z: THE MUSICAL!

Like, peace folks. I'm
totally Harriet the Hippie Sock Puppet, man.
Sir, yes sir! I am Martin
the Marine Sock Puppet, sir! Enjoy these samples of songs, sir!
Like, whatever, Martin.
So, totally dig these groovy vibes, man.
("Trouble" The Music Man)
Oh yeah, we got evil
Yeah, we got evil!
Right here in Satan City
Right here in Satan City
And that starts with an "E" and that rhymes with "B" and that stands for
That stands for Buu!!
Modern Prince of Saiya-jin
("Modern Major General" Pirates of Penzance)
I am the very model of the modern prince of Saiya-jin
And though I have been bested once very soon I will defeat him
Yes, Kakarotto will be dead but only by my very hand...
Which means I have to protect him from all the villains 'cross the
("America" West Side Story)
I like to be a Nameck-sei-jin
More fun for me as Nameck-sei-jin
I grow back limbs as Nameck-sei-jin
And kidnap on whims as Nameck-sei-jin!
Consider This
("Consider Yourself" Oliver)
Garlic Jr.'s henchmen to Gohan:
Consider this your new home!
Consider this now your only residence
Garlic Jr. is now your pop
(Gohan begins crying)
One henchman:
Oh please, won't somebody make him stop!
They're Not My Kind
("One of Your Own Kind" West Side Story)
You are the Saiya-jin who killed my brother
That race shows hate and rage, no other
But they're not my kind, and I'm not their kind!
People Will Think That I'm Dead
("People Will Say We're in Love" Oklahoma)
Don't shoot ki blasts at me
Don't bash my head too much
Your kicks hurt me so much
People will think that I'm dead
("Maria" West Side Story)
I just met the Saiya-jin Vegeta and suddenly that name
Strikes fear into my hear, you see
Say it loud, and my stomach starts quailing
Say it soft, and I feel like praying
I just met the Saiya-jin Vegeta
Monkey With the Fur
("Surrey With a Fringe" Oklahoma)
When I take Gohan away with me
Goku, here's the way it's gonna be
You will kill 100 of those stupid Earthlings
Or your son is who you'll never see
(music suddenly stops as Radditz spots Goku's missing tail)
Radditz: Kakarotto! What happened to your tail!?
Goku: My tail?
Radditz: Don't you know what power the Saiya-jin tail holds?
(music starts again where it left off)
Men and women and children all scurry
When I turn into a big monkey
When I turn into a big monkey with the fur on top
Watch my eyes and see how they glimmer
When I eat them up for my dinner
When I eat them up for my dinner and I go "Chomp chomp!"
I open my mouth and a blast shoots out
And blows up a couple of mountains
Then I rampage through a town.........
And blow up a couple more mountains!
© 1998 Pam Sawyer, trunksette@hotmail.com