A Brief Encounter
Link hurried through the Lost Woods, searching for the way to the Forest Temple. Saria needed him; he didn't have enough time to talk to all of his childhood friends back in the Kokiri Forest, as much as he desperately wanted to.
Childhood friends. The phrase seemed so odd to Link. To him, it had been mere weeks since he had left this place behind as the Great Deku Tree had asked, that one quest leading to so many others. Just a few weeks for him, but seven long years for everyone else as the world slowly declined under Ganon's rule.
Link pressed on, trying to ignore these thoughts. There would be time for all that later. Right now, he had urgent matters to attend to. So intent was Link on ignoring them, he didn't notice the small figure until after he had run into it. Link stepped back, his hand reflexively reaching for the Master Sword before he even saw what he had run into. He froze.
Mido glared at Link stubbornly, arms crossed over his chest. "What are you?" he demanded. Link could only stare dumbfounded. Out of everyone he could have run into, he never expected to see the Kokiri's local bully. Mido's eyes narrowed in suspicion at Link's silence.
"Though you wear Kokirish clothing, you can't fool me! I promised Saria I would never let anybody go through here."
"Saria so she is definitely this way," Link thought to himself. But how to get past Mido? As much of a jerk as he had been so long ago, Link still couldn't hurt the Kokiri, but he knew how stubborn Mido could be. An idea suddenly occurred to the Hyrulian.
"If he promised Saria Man, I hope this works." Link pulled out the Ocarina of Time. Placing it to his lips he played the Saria's song. Mido's accusing stare turned to one of surprise as the first notes escaped the instrument.
"That melody?! Saria plays that song all the time!" Something inside Mido's brain finally clicked into place. This man looked so familiar, but it couldn't be! It just couldn't could it? Even if it was, seven years had passed. Would he remember?
"You " Mido started, but seemed suddenly to change his mind. "Do you know Saria?" Link nodded in response.
"That song Saria taught that song only to her friends " Mido knew it was a lie, sort of. Saria had taught that song to only one other person, but he was a friend Taking a deep breath, he came to a decision. "OK I trust you." As he stepped aside, the Kokiri couldn't help adding a final comment, wanting the man to reveal who he really was but at the same time hoping with all him might that they could keep it secret.
"When I see you I don't know why, but I remember him "
Link had started to pass Mido when those words stopped him in his tracks. He glanced at Mido, and saw the boy staring back. A look passed between the two that left no doubt.
"He knows."
The End