Hi! I'm not
entirely sure why you came here, but welcome to my page about me.
Who am I? Like I said, my name is Pam, but you can call me "Lord
High Master, Ruler of All the Cosmos" ...or not. I recently graduated from a high school somewhere in Northern Virginia, but since I'm paranoid I won't
tell you exactly where. =Þ To help you gain an understanding
of me, here are a few descriptive words/phrases about myself: WEIRD, random,
theater tech, mellow, anime freak, writer, toon encyclopedia in training,
chronic doodler, fantasy lover, Worship the Comic! (If you got that and
laughed, rock on fellow Sluggite! If not, visit Sluggy Freelance
in the links section).
As evidenced by the fact that this page is dedicated to my stories, I love to write. I once had a bout of inspiration for a fanfic I was working on in the middle of Calculus. See, I did want to pay attention in class, but I couldn't ignore the story running around in my head, so I compromised and in between taking notes I wrote out the story in really tiny writing in the margin of my notes page. You understand, don't you? Please? *sigh* Well, someday I'll find somebody you understands me, you just wait and see. Someday...
*shakes head* Sorry. Well, now you know more about me than I'm sure you ever wanted to know. And if not, tough.