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How DBZ Would Open a Bottle of Wine

Why hello everybody! I am Cammie the Cook Sock Puppet, and I'd like to welcome you to "How DBZ Would Open a Bottle of Wine."
Wine can be a main staple when cooking, so I was the obvious choice for this page. Enjoy the delightful cooking tips within!
- Goku...
- would look at the bottle funny for a minute, ask what it is, then go get something else to drink.
- Piccolo...
- would rip the cork out with his teeth.
- Gohan...
- would want to be like Piccolo, so, after many attempts (in both regular and Super Saiya-jin forms) and an emotional upheaval that would cause him to power up past anything anyone had ever seen (again), he'd rip the cork out with his teeth.
- Chichi...
- would yell at Gohan for ripping it out with his teeth, yell at Piccolo for setting such a bad example and corrupting her baby boy, then get the corkscrew and open the bottle.
- Ox King...
- would try to use the corkscrew, but would accidentally crush the bottle.
- Bulma...
- would invent a device to open the bottle called the Capsulescrew.
- Vegeta...
- would scoff at his woman's invention, then rip the cork out with his teeth.
- Mirai Trunks...
- would use his sword to slice the bottle open at the neck.
- Chibi Trunks...
- would throw a temper tantrum until a) Bulma used the Capsulescrew to shut him up, or b) Vegeta hit him to shut him up.
- Chibi Goten...
- would look at the bottle funny for a minute, ask what it is, then go get something else to drink.
- Gotenks...
- would make fun of the bottle for 29 minutes 45 seconds (shorter if SSJ 3), gather up a huge ki blast to destroy it, then split before he can fire the blast.
- Dende...
- would refuse to open the bottle because it is evil.
- Puar...
- would turn into a corkscrew for Yamucha to use.
- Yamucha...
- would use Puar (in corkscrew form) to open the bottle, then cry because he doesn't have a girlfriend to share it with.
- Tenshinhan...
- lives too far away from civilization to get wine.
- Chou-zu...
- doesn't drink wine.
- Kamesennin...
- would start to use a corkscrew, but would stop to ogle the half-naked woman on the label.
- Kulilin...
- would try to rip the cork out with his teeth, but would accidentally bash himself over the head with it.
- Videl...
- would threaten Gohan to make him show her how to open the bottle.
- Mr. Satan...
- would boast for 20 minutes about how easy it will be to open the bottle, try for 10 minutes to actually get it open, then stand up, laugh, and tell everyone that it was a joke and he'll open the bottle later.
- Dr. Gero...
- would create two more androids, then program them to steal the Capsulescrew... and kill Goku, just for good measure.
- Freeza...
- would hire the wine inside, then blow up the bottle.
- Fat Buu...
- would turn it into a cookie and eat it.
- Super Buu...
- would absorb it to gain its powers.
- Majin Buu...
- would blow it up because it got in his way.
- #18...
- would rip the cork out with her bare hands.
- #17...
- would rip the cork out with his teeth, then throw it through someone's skull.
- #16...
- would take the cork out with his hands, then feed the wine to the birds, trees, and animals.
- Cell...
- would challenge the bottle to a fight, get really mad that he's losing, then self-destruct taking the bottle with him.
- Nappa...
- would rip the cork out with his teeth, then kill something to go with the wine.
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