The question the two investigators asked themselves this time sent them
searching for months. With DBZ over...
...what is the cast doing now?
Agent Pam:
It took us a long time to
find any leads into this mystery. Kim and I scoured Dragon World
over, looking for any sign of the Z-senshi. We could not rest until
we found the answers we were looking for!
Agent Kim:
Then Pam and her family
went on vacation.
Agent Pam:
Hey! Don't bad-mouth
my vacation. It's because of that vacation that I was able to pinpoint
our first clue!
Agent Kim:
I thought your brother spotted
the billboard and pointed it out to you.
Agent Pam:
Well, technically, but I'm
the one who put two and two together, and without my quick thinking we
never would have gotten a lead. Now quit bickering!
Agent Kim:
All right, all right.
Anyway, thanks to Agent Pam's brother...
Agent Pam:
Agent Kim:
AND Agent Pam, we
were able to find out what had happened to that hero-among-cowards, Mr.
Agent Pam:
Apparently, he had gotten
a job as a morning radio DJ in Salt Lake City, and was now operating under
the name "Chunga." We tried to go see him and ask him about his past
life, but we couldn't make it past security.
Agent Kim:
I still have scars.
Agent Pam:
Our next clue as to a cast
member's whereabouts once again came from my brother. It appeared
in the form of a small dot of paper in the pocket of a new pair of pants,
leading us to the whereabouts of Dr. Gero's
android henchman. And you thought he was dead.
Agent Kim:
Yes, #19, epitome of
evil, wanton destroyer of lives, is now inspecting pants in a factory somewhere. When asked
why he had taken this particular job, he would only say, "No comment."
Agent Pam:
The only other member of
the cast we managed to track down was the one and only Vegeta.
The pointy haired Prince of the Saiya-jin now owns and operates a sports
drink company in Japan, producing the vegetable drink "VegitaBeta."
Agent Kim:
Yep, the self-centered,
egomaniac couldn't help but name the drink after himself. You can't
see it, thanks to Pam's oh-so-wonderful camera work, but the drink even
has the same katakana as his name does in the manga.
Agent Pam:
Kim and I tried to ask the
Prince how things were going now, but neither of us could manage to drum
up air fare to Japan. The letter we sent only came back with the
reply, "Hmph."
Agent Kim:
Typical Veggie-chan.
And there you have it, the whereabouts of at least three of the former
DBZ cast. Okay, so maybe its only three out of everyone in
the cast, but hey, we tried.
Agent Pam:
Well, not very hard, but
we did find a couple and that isn't bad.
And so ends another of
the Z-files. As Agents Kim and Pam head off to solve their next mystery,
who knows what quests lie ahead?
Agent Pam:
I don't know about Kim,
but I plan on sitting on my butt for awhile.
Agent Kim:
Here here!
Do you have a mystery of the DBZ universe you want solved? Tell
Pam about it, and it may just become a Z-file!
© 1998, Pam Sawyer