Updated: December 11, 2001
(Click above to see update page)
Hi, all you happy people out there, and welcome to Pork 'n Senzu Beans, one of the first DBZ humor pages! My name is Pam "Spam" Sawyer, and I'll be your host for this evening...sort of. You see, a tribe of sock puppets was living on my little piece of bandwidth illegally before I owned it. When I moved in, they refused to move out, so to avoid a long, expensive legal battle we came to an agreement: I let them live here, and they guide people around the site. When I decided to move, they had gotten so used to their jobs that they just tagged along. So, without further ado, meet the tribe's leader, Sam the Sarcastic Sock Puppet.
"What do you want? Oh right, that whole "agreement" thing. Yes, we're so very glad to be working for Pam. Well, welcome to Pork 'N Senzu beans, yadda, yadda, yadda. You can go a couple places from here, at which point I get to take a break and one of the other saps, uh, I mean Sock Puppets will guide you. And if you're confused at what these things are, Pam put together some explanations for you folks. Now get out of here.
Fanfic With Willy and Ernie |
Fanart With Pablo and Vinnie |
The Z-Files With Ronnie |
Dragon Ball Z: The Musical! With Martin and Harriet |
How DBZ Would Open a Bottle of Wine With Cammie |
How To Tell if You're Addicted With Bobby |
Villain Interviews With Jonathon and Gerald |
Links With Dana |
Awards With Annie, Teddy, and Zaggy |
If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, or you just want
to talk to someone, go ahead and email Pam at trunksette@hotmail.com
of you guys have stopped by to see the Sock Puppets.
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Hey, where are you going? At least won't you sign the guestbook? It won't take very long, and I want to get all your autographs, and all that cool stuff! So please?
Sign it for Willy
View what others have put to shut him up
Disclaimer: All DBZ images are property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studios, and Toei Animation. No copyright infringement is, was, or ever will be intended. All sock puppets are my own work and property of Pamela Sawyer. Other people's fanart is used with their knowledge and express permission.